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Vietnam Single Network - tim ban bon phuong - FREE Dating Services


Ket ban voi toi
Ket ban voi toi
Ket ban voi toi
Ket ban voi toi




About Me:
HI,I'm a very youthful looking woman of 43, full of vitality, health, jest and zest for life. I'm a Vietnamese by birth and have been in the US since 1975.I'm fluent in both English &Vietnamese and I'm learning French online. I'M fun loving, attentive, thoughtful, communicative, with childlike-quality personality being able to be with and enjoy company of people of all ages and backgrounds. I'M easy going but tend to be very organized I'M a college graduate and a serious bookworm/mo.t sa'ch. MY HOBBIES/PASTTIMES: DANCING, WATCHING DVD MOVIES, LISTENING TO MUSIC: classical, contemporary Christian, Chinese love songs, Latin, French, newage_instrument, pop, 70s-90s, techno/dance ; READING: health, fitness, wellness, relationship, biography, true crimes; COOKING: Vietnamese, Chinese,Italian, American food are my favs; SOLVING crossword puzzles and SWIMMING/BIKING when the weather permits. I'M ASSERTIVE, neither aggressive nor submissive. Toi viet tieng Anh nhanh gioi hon tieng Viet nhung van con ranh tieng "nuoc minh" va thinh thoang van lam vai bai tho 'con coc' vi co ca tinh 'mo mong'_dan sinh ra va lon len o Da La.t la the do.

Looking for serious relationship to share my life with a special someone. If you're looking for JUST being pen pals/friends then I’m open for that and if you know French that would be even better.I'm a committed Christian but not fundamentalist so it'd help if you're a believer or else we're better off being just friends. I prefer someone living in the US, physically fit or workout daily and takes good care of self. I look for the willingness to communicate openly and honestly without being defensive, and not into sweeping things under the carpet. Thanks for reading my profile and best of luck to you. Chuc cac ban thanh cong va may mang tren moi lanh vuc.

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