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Vietnam Single Network - tim ban bon phuong - FREE Dating Services


Ket ban voi toi
Ket ban voi toi
Ket ban voi toi
Ket ban voi toi




About Me:
Hay song den het cuoc doi cua ban voi mot chang hoang tu cao to va dep trai. Toi la mot nguoi coi mo, co tinh than huong ngoai, phong khoang, doc lap, tu tin va rat de thuyet phuc. Toi duoc sinh ra la de sang tao va hoc hoi. Toi yeu nghe thuat va khoa hoc... them vao do toi la nguoi luon huong den thien nhien. Toi rat thich di bo, da ngoai, dien anh va luoi bieng vao buoi sang Thu bay voi nguoi ma toi yeu. Boi vi toi la nguoi rat de thuyet phuc, toi se giup ban hoan thanh giac mo, de ban co cuoc song that hanh phuc voi toi. Cac ban cua toi va ca nhung nguoi la mat deu cho rang toi trong tre hon rat nhieu so voi tuoi cua toi hien nay. Toi co mot trai tim tuoi tre, va toi muon mo ra mot the gioi voi nhung vi sao lap lanh cho rieng em. Neu ban da san sang de duoc xem nhu la mot cong chua boi mot nguoi chong chung thuy, va san sang xem nguoi chong cua ban nhu la mot chang hoang tu, chung thuy va chan that... dung ngan ngai viet cho toi. Ghi Chu: Toi khong biet tieng Viet, nhung toi co phien dich vien. Cac ban co the viet cho toi ca ban tieng Viet va tieng Anh. ~~~~~~~ Ride off into the sunset with your tall handsome Prince. I am open minded, extroverted, free-spirited, independent, self-confident and super-flexible. Being creative and inquisitive, I love both art and science... plus I am a natural born entrepreneur. I love long walks, backpacking, movies and lazy Saturday mornings with the one I love. Because I am super-flexible, I want to help you achieve your dreams so that you can live happily ever-after with me. My friends and even strangers think that I look many years younger than I really am. I am young at heart and would like to open the world and stars to you. If you are ready to be treated like a princess by a faithful, loyal husband and to treat your man like a prince, faithful and true... then wait no longer and write to me. ~~~~~~~

Nguoi yeu cua toi la mot nang cong chua Viet Nam nho be(cao khoang 147cm) va gay(nang khoang 35kg) voi nu cuoi trong treo nhu la giot suong ban mai, phan than hinh phia tren that nho nhan, hap dan, va mot lan da min mang voi nhung soi long to muot ma. Co ta huong tam hon vao su sang tao..... co the la nguoi lam viec o linh vuc hoi hoa, lap trinh va ung dung may tinh, sanh dieu ve an oung hay mot linh vuc kinh doanh moi me nao do. Co ay nhin cuoc song nhu la mot su phieu luu mao hiem, day su lac quan va so hai. Tot bung va hien lanh la nhung pham chat cong them cua nang cong chua nay.... co ay thich song coi mo va phong tung. Co ay khao khat danh tron thoi gian cho su dong cam cua hai con tim, va hoa quyen ca the xac lan tinh than vao nhung giay phut ben nhau, va co thien huong doc lap. Co ay muon xay dung mot gia dinh hanh phuc voi nhung dua tre de thuong va mai mai chung thuy voi mot nguoi dan ong trong cuoc song cua co ay. Neu ban co nhung pham chat cua nguoi con gai trong mo cua toi, thi ban la chinh la nguoi con gai trong tim toi, va chung ta se tay trong tay cho den het cuoc doi. ~~~~~~~ My love is a very tiny (147 cm) slender (35 kg) Vietnamese princess with a smile fresh as the morning dew, delightfully small up top and skin smooth as silk with no visible body hair. She is driven by her soul to create... maybe works of art, an ingenious software program, a gourmet meal or a new business. Life is looked at by her as an adventure, full of optimism and awe. Kindness and gentleness are second nature to my princess... she loves openly and with abandon. She desires full-time companionship and appreciates both the physical and emotional aspects of love making and tends to both with a certain sense of confidence. She wants to create a happy family with loving children and be faithful to one man for life. If you are all these things my love, then you are my soulmate and we will walk hand-in-hand forever. ~~~~~~~

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