…. “Self Development” Dạo trước em đi làm cu-li “process worker” 5 ngày trong hăng. V́ thiếu tiền xài, cuối tuần chạy xe taxi thêm 2 ngày nữa. Trong lúc rảnh chờ khách, em đọc đủ loại truyện, tác giả nào là Kim Dung, Quỳnh Dao, v..v
Sau mấy năm trời làm việc nh́n túi tiền của ḿnh cũng chẳng có dư bao nhiêu.
Once upon a time…..
America was the richest creditor nation in the world.
Once upon a time…..
The U.S dollar was backed by gold.
Once upon a time…..
Printing money was a crime known as counterfeiting.
Once upon a time…..
A person went to school, got a job, retired young, and lived happily ever after.
Once upon a time…..
All you had to do was buy a house, and when your house went up in value you were rich.
Once upon a time…..
All you had to do was invest in stock market, and when the stock market went up you were rich.
Once upon a time…..
A college degree meant higher pay.
Once upon a time…..
Age was an asset.
Once upon a time…..
A retired person could count on Social Security and Medicare to take care of them.
Unfortunately, Once Upon A Time Is Over. The fairy tale has ended. The world has changed and continues to change.
- Robert T. Kiyosaki
Ngày xửa, ngày xưa....
Rất tiếc, ngày xửa, ngày xưa bây giờ hết rồi. Câu chuyện thần tiên chấm dứt. Thế giới đă thay đổi và tiếp tục thay đổi.
REF: 691415
In 2014, China and Russia agreed to build a pipeline between the two countries. Trading oil and gas is not that big a deal.
The big deal is China and Russia have agreed to not trade in U.S. dollars. That is a very big deal.
That deal is a global game-changer.
- Source: Robert T. Kiyosaki
8 Daily Habits To Make 2015 The Most Explosive Year Yet
1. Get up early
2. Read
3. Exercise
4. Practice gratitude
5. Schedule your day before it starts
6. Focus on high-priority tasks first
7. Always go the extra mile
8. Improve in one area each day
- Source: Entrepreneur
REF: 691443
“I have met many people who are so far into the spiritual world they are out of touch with the real world. Many spiritual people claim to be working for god yet they cannot pay the rent. Many people believe in giving poor people money as long as it is not their money.”
- Source: Robert T. Kiyosaki
REF: 691501
In 1996, The Millionaire Next Door was published. It was a great book for its time. Written by Thomas J. Stanley and William D. Danko.
In 2000, the NASDAQ or dot-com crash triggered a series of booms and busts, shaking many millionaires-next-door out of the millionaire category.
In 2007, when the subprime-mortgage bubble burst, many millionaires-next-door became the foreclosure-next-door.
- Source: Robert T. Kiyosaki
P.S : I read that book a long time ago.
REF: 691533
- Source : S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC
Cuộc Đại khủng Hoảng Kinh Tế ở Mỹ "The Great Depression" kéo dài 25 năm, 1929 đến 1954. Kinh tế lấy 25 năm mới đạt được điểm 381.
Theo đồ h́nh trong quá khứ cho đến nay có nhiều cuộc khủng hoảng xảy ra.
Sao nh́n đồ h́nh hoài, ṃn con mắt không thấy Cuộc Đại khủng Hoảng Kinh Tế ở Mỹ "The Great Depression" ở đâu vậy?
REF: 691571
The Lost Generation
When the middle-class millionaires-next-door lost their job and their homes and began using retirement accounts to pay the bills, there was another casualty: The children of the millionaire-next-door.
All over the world, there is a generation of young people known as the new lost generation. They’re the college and trade school and high school grads who cannot find jobs or jobs utilize their level of education. More than income, they are losing crucial real-life work experience. Without real-life work experience in their 20s and 30s, their earning power and income in later years will suffer, which is why they’re often called the lost generation.
- Source: Robert T. Kiyosaki
REF: 691599
In the past, there were two different types of Depressions:
1. The American Depression (1929 to 1954)
2. The German Hyper-Inflation (1918 to 1924)
Q. What was the difference?
A. In very simple terms, American did not print money and the German printed money.
In 1918, a German citizen could be a “millionaire” by having millions of German Reischmarks in savings. In less than five years, the same German millionaire was poor.
Q. Is the same thing happening in the United States today?
A. Yes.
Q. What does this mean?
A. It means the United States is following the German model from the last Depression. America is attempting to “print” its way out of financial crisis.
- Source: Robert T. Kiyosaki
REF: 691675
Four ages of humanity, which are :
1. Hunter-Gatherer Age
2. Agrarian Age
3. Industrial Age
4. Information Age
In the Information Age, we cannot see the changes that are chaning our lives. In many ways, the Information Age is the Invisible Age.
- Source: Robert T. Kiyosaki
REF: 691769
R. Buckminster Fuller said the construction industry and the education industry were the industries with the longest lag times, which mean they are the slowest to adopt the change.
Q : How long is the lag time in education and construction?
A : At least 50 years. According to Moore’s Law, lag time in the computer industry is only 18 months.
Q : So technology is accelerating and education is lagging?
A : Correct.
Q : Are you saying the educational system is a laggard, rather than a leader?
A : I am. The educational system we grew up with has fallen so far behind it is obsolete. Technology will replace millions of teachers and many institutions of higher education will soon be bankrupt. The Industrial Age is over and so is Industrial Age education.
- Source: Robert T. Kiyosaki
REF: 691842
According to J. Urcivoli Sr., former Vice President at Merrill Lynch, for every 100 people at age 65:
• 25 are dead
• 20 have annual incomes under $10,000 (below poverty level)
• 51 have annual incomes between $10,000 and $35,000 (median is $18,000)
• 4 have annual incomes over $35,000
• Yet 1 in every 100 is a millionaire
• Today's average 50 year old has only $2,300 saved towards their retirement.
REF: 691871
"The world is filled with arrogant poor people, educated and uneducated…. people who cannot admit they do not know something. The world is filled with people who go through life pretending they are smart…and that makes them stupid. If you want to learn quickly, the first step is to admit quickly you do not know something."
"Where do you think money, investing, and business take place? They take place in your head. If money is not found in your head it will not be found in your hand"
- Source: Robert T. Kiyosaki
REF: 691895
“Expenses Column On Financial Statement”
Poor focus on saving money and keeping expenses down.
“Liabilities Column On Financial Statement”
Middle class focus on nice homes, cars and lifestyles.
“Assets Column On Financial Statement”
Rich focus on assets.
- Source: Robert T. Kiyosaki
PS 1 : Assets – anything puts money in your pocket
PS 2 : Liabilities – anything takes money from your pocket.
REF: 691932
Back in 1271, a young man named Marco Polo traveled to China to find a large nation booming with industry and trade. Europe at that time was just at the brink of entering into the world of business. Sure enough, when Marco Polo returned from China, Europe passed China as the world economic power. In 1492, Christopher Columbus sailed west looking for a shorter route to Asia . . . and the world changed forever after that. Spain soon became the world financial power in the 1500s by plundering the gold from South America. The financial power then shifted to Europe, from France, Holland, and then to England.
From the 1600s to the 1900s, America was considered a Third World nation . . . a very risky place to invest . . . much like China is viewed today. In 1920, right after the end of World War I, the financial power shifted to the U.S. But now, after all these years, China’s era of dominance is about to return. With a massive labor force, low labor prices, and great technology, who knows what will happen?
In 1805 William Playfair wrote: “The general conclusion is that wealth and power have never been long permanent in any place . . . and that they travel over the face of the earth, something like a caravan of merchants.
- Source: Robert T. Kiyosaki
REF: 691944
How many times do I have to remind you that you do not get rich at work? How many times do I have to remind you that you get rich in your spare time?”
I recommend people keep their daytime job and start a part-time business, or start investing in a small piece of income real estate, simply because it takes a few years to learn the basics. The journey out of the chicken coop only begins with the first step. There are many steps that follow.
- Source: Robert T. Kiyosaki
Hoc theo ông thầy Robert T. Kiyosaki, em hàng ngày đều đặn đi làm, trong lúc rảnh rỗi học đầu tư nhà cửa cho mướn.
Hiện giờ nhà đang ở đă trả xong nợ lâu rồi, có thêm 6 căn nhà và một bảng số xe taxi cho mướn.
REF: 691991
"If you want to be rich, I strongly recommend you invest in what the poor invest in, the middle class invest in, and what the rich invest in. Do not . . . I repeat—do not try to skip over any of the first two investments. If you want to be rich, you must invest more . . . not less than the first two groups.”
- Source: Robert T. Kiyosaki
REF: 692047
Vào đây, có những chỗ em dịch được bập bơm, có những chỗ...mù tịt luôn ạ!
Khâm phục cả về sự kiên tŕ học hỏi, tự trau dồi của anh! Khâm phục tài làm kinh tế của anh luôn nữa! Em th́ mỗi cắt cỏ nuôi dê, í cũng không có dê, chỉ nuôi trâu ḅ mà hổng xong. hehe... Năm mới, em ghé phá tí và chúc anh cùng gia đ́nh luôn mạnh khỏe, vui vẻ, hạnh phúc và anh sẽ thành công hơn nữa trong sự nghiệp nha! ( Để túi tiền đi chợ của bà xă anh luôn đầy!)hihi..
REF: 692053
Chúc anh cùng gia đ́nh mừng mùa xuân mới Vạn Sự Như Ư
REF: 692063
Anh đọc và nghe những tác giả từ 2 bàn tay trắng làm nên sự nghiệp. Họ là tác giả cho nên họ viết sách ra, và nói ra khác với người thượng, họ đầy tự tin.
Anh không cần phải vận dụng đầu óc suy nghĩ để làm giàu, chỉ bỏ ra vài đô là có kiến thức và kinh nghiệm. Họ làm sao, anh cố gắng làm y chang như họ là xong chuyện.
Năm mới chúc em và gia đ́nh đầy tự tin tiến tới làm giàu.
Thỉnh thoảng anh có xem vài câu chuyện trên "Youtube", thấy có nhiều cụ, những anh trẻ, những cô gái từ Miền Trung, Miền Bắc vào Sài G̣n kiếm ăn. Mỗi ngày kiếm khoảng 100 ngàn đồng, dành dụm gởi về người thân ở quê nhà.
Chúng ta bước vào thế kỷ thứ 21 rồi, vẫn c̣n nhiều người khổ, thấy mà thương giùm hoàn cảnh của họ.
Năm mới chúc em có chồng đẹp trai, thương vợ, biết cách ứng xử với người khác và lại giàu nữa.
REF: 692084
Chúc anh Lynhat và gia đ́nh một năm mới Phát Tài Phát Lộc, An Khang Thịnh Vượng!
REF: 692120
Chúc em Bimbim118 năm nay và mỗi năm an toàn, hạnh phúc và thịnh vượng.
Nên nhớ làm giàu cần nên hạ quyết tâm và kiên tŕ.
REF: 692145
In 2012, as the Presidential campaign heated up, both political candidates promised to bring jobs back to America. How can that happen when American factory workers earn between $125 to $200 a day, once benefits are factored in? Many workers in low-wage countries earn just $2 a day.
- Source: Robert T. Kiyosaki
REF: 692220
1. Ordinary Income : The Poor 2. Portfolio Income : The Middle Class 3. Passive Income : The Rich…..from investments in the Business and Investor quadrants.
Question : Why do schools teach students to work for ordinary income? Why not teach kids about the three types of income? Why not teach kids ways to keep more of the money they’ll earn throughout their lifetimes?
Answer : Many teachers do not know there are three types of income. And most teachers work for ordinary income.
- Source: Robert T. Kiyosaki
REF: 692225
Chúc Lynhat và gia đ́nh năm mới dồi dào sức khỏe, thành công, may mắn và hạnh phúc.
REF: 692240
Chị Thanhvan4177,
Năm mới chúc chị vạn sự như ư muốn.
Chúng ta bước vào thế kỷ thứ 21, kiếm ăn càng ngày càng khó khăn.
Có hàng triệu triệu người trên thế giới, muốn có việc làm, muốn có nhà ở, muốn có xe hơi chạy, muốn có ăn uống đầy đủ .......
Theo sự quan sát "observe" của tôi, hơn 1/3 muốn có đầy đủ, nhưng chẳng muốn làm việc và cũng hơn 1/3 có việc làm, nhưng cái lối làm việc của họ cũng giống như người sắp chết chẳng có nhiệt t́nh với công việc.
Chị thấy đúng không?
REF: 692271
How to Turn Nothing into Something
by Jim Rohn
In order to turn nothing into something, you've got to start with some ideas and imagination. Ideas that become so powerful in your mind and in your consciousness that they seem real to you even before they become tangible. Imagination that is so strong, you can actually see it. Make those ideas tangible with these six steps.
1. Imagine all of the possibilities. One of the reasons for seminars, sermons, lyrics from songs and testimonials of others is to give us an idea of the possibilities, to help us imagine and to see the potential.
2. You must believe that what you imagine is possible for you. Others’ testimonials, like “If I can do it, you can do it,” “If I can turn it all around, you can turn it all around,” or “If I can change, you can change” often become a support to our belief. And we start believing. First, we imagine it's possible. Second, we start to believe that what's possible is possible for us. We might also believe because of our own testimonial. Your testimonial might say, “If I did it once, I can do it again” or “If it happened for me before, it could very well happen again. ”
So those two things together are very powerful. Now, we do not have actual substance yet. But it is very close.
3. Go to work to make it real. You go to work to make it an enterprise. You go to work to make it good health. You go to work to make it an association. You go to work to make it a good marriage. You go to work to make it a movement.
You make it tangible. You make it viable. You breathe life into it and then you construct it. That is such a unique and powerful ability for all of us human beings. Put this to work and start the miracle process.