Vietnam Single Tim Ban Bon Phuong  


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Date ngày Ghi Danh 5/3/2013 3:24:18 AM 
Gender- Giới Tính Male (Female = nu, Male=nam)
Marital status Widowed 
Year Năm Sinh 1959 
City TP New York City NY 
Country Nước US 
Height Cao 5 Feet 10 Inches (178 cm) 
Weight Nặng 175 lbs (80 kg) 
Religion Tôn Giáo Catholic
Education Học-Vấn MA/MS/MBA 
Occupation NN Other's 
Drinking Uống Rượu Not Drink 
Smoking Hút thuốc Light smoker 
About me Giới thiệu The best days of my life are yet to looking for someone who will love and care about me for a long time relationship that can lead to marriage. Although I would consider myself a romantic, I don't believe that life is about the 'grand passion.' In reality it is more about comfortable comrade. I am a really fun person who loves people,loves to laugh, I am very caring,love music, dancing, singing ( in my car) ! Love the church...I am a devoted friend. I like to have fun,I have strong moral values with honesty and integrity being the core of my personality, am very cool, i respect my dignity....I'm excited to see new places, meet new people and do new things.I'm not a fighter and I don't argue, life's too short but I do value friendship and intimacy.Respect is one of the most important requisites in a relationship, as are honesty and commitment 
Looking T́m .I want to meet someone who is kind and enjoyable to be with.I know love takes time and am in no hurry. I have the rest of my life, that should be enough time .She would have to be a woman of integrity, honest,confident, kind and with a sense of humor. Needless to say an intelligent woman who is able to converse on several subjects without getting into passionate arguments all the time. very affectionate,easygoing,understands,trustworthy,family oriented and supportive. she should be fun-loving and love to laugh 

Bạn phải là thành viên mới gởi thư được. Dịch vụ hoàn toàn miễn phí

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